Saturday, November 7, 2009

Complete overhaul

Drew and I decided that for the next 6 months we were going to have Tradd sleep in our bedroom instead of trying to get both of the kids to sleep in the same room. This is a good idea for two reasons...
#1- Vang wont wake Tradd up when she has her night terrors/nightmares/sleepwalking/sleep talking episodes.
#2- Tradd wont wake Vangie up when he gets up at 5am to eat.

I'd rather have him wake ME up than his sister. Plus, we are going to be moving in May, so really its not too much further away, and I like having him in our room... he's a good sleeper!

Anyway, today was the overhaul day. We moved Tradds crib into our room, took out the dog crate and bassinet to make room. Dog crate is now in the basement. Bassinet is in the box. Tradds crib is by the window and the changing table... he has his own little area. Evangeline's room is now her OWN room. I moved around the furniture and she has so much more room. She hasn't come out of her room since she realized its ALL hers. I kind of like this idea. Kitchen is spotless. No clutter. The basement is now organized and clean. Whew. And its only 11:30 :)

Pics to come!