Monday, November 2, 2009

4 month check-up

Friday marked Tradds 4 month check up (almost a week late, too)! His stats are below:

Weight: 15pounds 5ounces (60%)

Height: 25 inches already (55%)

Head: 16 3/4 inches (55%)

We also talked to the doctor more about Tradd's problem with spitting up. The past month or so, his spitting up has gotten a little out of control. It seems he spits up almost an oz to 2oz out of each bottle, and unlike before, he is not a "happy spitter" any longer. He has been clicking his tongue inside his mouth and when I mentioned it to his pediatrician, he said some babies will do that because the reflux is bothering them, so they are constantly trying to swallow... hence the "clicking" of the tongue. The Dr. prescribed Prevacid which is an acid reducer. We are still waiting for the insurance company to decide whether they would like to pay for it or not. If they don't pay for it, its $92.... BS! However, November 15th prevacid is going over the counter for $8, so we might just have to wait a few weeks if the insurance company denies it. Its always something or another!