Saturday, October 31, 2009

Healthe Trim

I know... diet pills are bad for you. I get it. I'm desperate though. After this weekend of nonstop eating thanks to my best friend getting married (love you... and love you family's AMAZING food), I packed on 4 pounds. That puts me at 154lbs. WHAT??? At one point I was down to 147... Ive almost gained 10 pounds back. Thats 21 pounds heavier than my pre-pregnancy weight. If you read my post before about my daily routine after I get home from work, you'd realize I dont have much time to exercise, let alone really even have a second of down time to myself! So, I'm frustrated. My friend turned me onto these pills. She lost 14 pounds in one month and she had a friend who lost 22 pounds in one month. The rules are prtty simple. Take 1-2 pills each morning with a full glass or water. Wait 3 hours before you eat. Then eat normally (and by NORMAL, it means a well balanced diet). You do have to limit your caffeine intake since these pills do contain some caffeine, so that shouldnt be too hard for me since the only caffeine I really drink is my morning cup of tea. I havent received my pills yet, but Im assuming they will come this weekend. Monday will be my 1st day! I will let you know how it goes!

So, along with the pills, I will also be doing Weight Watchers again. Monday is the day! And this is probably the WORST time to be dieting... going into the Holiday Season. I can do it though!

If you want more info on these pills, go to: