Wednesday, September 9, 2009

Oh Sleep, How I've Missed You!

Evangeline was never a good sleeper. The first six weeks of her life was her best sleep time... and that's only because babies that young sleep around 20 hours a day, so its hard NOT to sleep then. We tried the Ferber Method with her (which is also known as the cry it out method) and it worked wonders. After 3 nights of blood curdling screaming, she would sleep through the night....... AND THEN, she would get sick. Her first year of life she had croup a few times and it was hard to get her to sleep through the night when every 4 weeks she was getting sick again. And we of course didn't want to deny her of any fluids if she was sick, so the second we would get her sleeping through the night, we would have to start all over again. This was vicious cycle that lasted until she was about two. Evangeline would wake up 3-4 times A NIGHT asking for milk, wanting to cuddle, and so on. Still to this day she will wake up twice a week and come into our room and ask for water. My favorite though is when she wakes me up just to say she loves me... oh my it melts my heart!

ANYWAY, Tradd is different. The kid LOVES to sleep. He slept through the night his first day of life. On average, he will sleep about 6 hour stretches at night (from about 9-3) , but it seems recently he has been sleeping for longer periods. Three nights ago, he slept 8 hours and 45 min, ate, and went back to sleep! Two nights ago it was only 5 hours, but then last night it was another 8 hours and 30 min! He went down at 9pm, woke up at 5:30 and drank a bottle, and went back down to sleep... and guess what? He is STILL asleep. It's 8:15 and he's still in his bassinet. Oh sleep, joyous sleep... how Ive missed you!

We planned on moving him into his crib and OUT of our room when he got close to sleeping through the night. Evangeline and Tradd will be sharing a room for a few months and we wanted to make sure he was sleeping well so he didn't wake her up. I hadn't planned on doing it so soon! I'd say probably by his 4th month he will be in his own crib and sharing a room with his sister!

These pictures were taken this morning, of my perfect little SLEEPING man!