Tuesday, August 4, 2009

Potty Training!!!

Who knew that such a brilliant, independent little girl would be so hard to potty train?!? She KNOWS when she has to go to the bathroom, but finds it much easier to go in her diaper and have someone else clean up her mess. I've tried bribing her with candy, food, toys, even getting her ears pierced! Nothing has worked. However, this weekend Evangeline decided, ON HER OWN, that she wanted to use the potty. She also decided that if she goes on the potty, Santa Claus will bring her a present. WTF??? I have no idea where she got that from, but I'm going along with it! On Sunday we decided to put on her BIG GIRL undies.... it was scary for both her and I. Last time we tried wearing underwear, she ended up peeing on the couch... but that's a different story. This time, it was a success! She ended up going on the potty the rest of the day... no accidents (well, one minor accident... but we wont count that)! I even took pictures to document it :) I sent her off to daycar today with a handful of pullups and a daddy who was supposed to tell Deb that "we're ready to be potty trained"! Let's see how it goes :)

(she's going to kill me when she's older for posting these pictures!)