Tuesday, April 14, 2009

Foot Stomper alert!!!

Ohhhhhhhhh boy are we in trouble. The past few days, Evangeline has been showing us how MAD she is by stomping her foot. And its not a little stomp... its the kind where she lifts her foot up until she almost loses balance, and then slams it on the ground... just to make sure we heard it. I have to admit, the first time I saw her do it, I kind of laughed because thats SUCH a kid thing to do. But then I realized she was doing it for everything... she wanted her apple juice, NOW (((stomps foot))), she wanted to watch mickey mouse (((stomps foot))). needless to say, its getting old pretty fast, and I'm sure shes not liking the fact that we just ignore her when she does it. Hopefully if we ignore her enough, she'll grow out of this phase and move on to the next obnoxious thing :)

I'll try to take a video of it so you can be as amused as we were :)