Thursday, April 9, 2009

The first of many!

I have played around with the idea of starting a blog to keep friends and family members updated on whats going on in our lives out here in Colorado. I finally caved in and decided to give it a whirl! So I guess I'll start out by updating everyone on what's going on with The Armstrong's up until now:

Drew's in his 3rd years of Vet School. He starts his senior year in the middle of May and I can not wait! Although he won't be home nearly as much as I'd like, there is also light at the end of the tunnel. It seems like he has been going to school forever, but time has also flown by! We should be finding out where we are going to be stationed first anywhere from December of 2009 through March 2010. I'm excited for the next chapter in our lives to start!

Evangeline turned two back in February and she is just amazing us everyday with her vocabulary. She can speak in full sentences now, and knows plenty of songs by heart. Her favorite color is officially "PINK"... go figure, huh? Everything is PINK... "mommy I want the PINK vitamin", "I want the pink pants"... everything pink. And on top of that, anything that sparkles is definitely a plus! She's the only girl that I know that loves to dress up and make sure her hair looks nice and her nails are polished, but then will jump in the mud and play with bugs. I guess we have the best of both worlds with her! She really is a good kid... and although she tests our patience almost everyday, we know that its because she's advancing so fast that sometimes she gets frustrated because SHE knows what she wants and sometimes we don't.

Now on to me... well, there's not too much going on in my little world here. Still working and still growing a nice little baby! Tradd should be here at the end of June or beginning of July which is the perfect time to take off my maternity leave! His official due date is July 7th but I know he will come early. I have had braxton hicks contractions since 14 weeks and each week they get stronger and stronger. So I have a feeling one of these days (hopefully later than sooner) the braxton hicks contractions will jump start actual labor! I know what to expect this time around though! On to my personal life... well, I spend most of my time taking care of the family, cleaning, cooking... you know, all of that fun stuff. Now that the weather is getting nicer, we have been going outside more... thanks goodness! Being cooped up during the winter is NOT FUN. I did read a WHOLE book series in a week and a day. It was the Twilight series... and I actually found myself being obsessed over the books. The story is amazing, almost like I wish something like that could happen in real life. Now that I'm done with the series, I don't know what to do with my free time!

Other than that...this week, Drew has been very sick. We don't know if its a stomach bug or the flu... but he has been very sick for almost 3 days now... I'm hoping her gets better soon!

Well that's pretty much it for now... check back for more posts soon!

Love Kris


Jackie said...

Hey Kris - I love it!!
Oh and I know this has taken me a while, but I finally figured out why you use 1217 on your name... I'm a little slow...

Looking forward to more posts!