Friday, January 8, 2010

And we're moving to...

HA! Tricked you!

We'd like to know the answer to that question, too!

I'm sure most of you are wondering when we are going to post about where they Army will be sending us once we graduate. We had to have our first list in at the beginning of December, only to have the Army email us right before Christmas and request a second list; this time we had to rank every open base from our favorite to least favorite. The email basically said that everyone had put down the same top 3 bases so now we had to re list ALL of them. FUN.

I'm not-so-secretly hoping for Andrew's Air Force base in MD still, but I guess they will send us wherever they want to.. it's out of our hands.

At this point, I just want to KNOW. I want to search for houses, I want to find an online group of moms that live on base, I want to search for preschools and playgroups. I just want to