Saturday, April 11, 2009

Friday April 10

Yesterday (Friday April 10th) I had another doctors appointment. Evangeline's daycare was closed so I got to spend the whole day with her! We started out by going to my ultrasound... at 27 weeks and 3 days Tradd weighs 2lbs 7 oz.... right on track! And although I was measuring a bit big, they weren't too concerned at this point. My doctor did mention the option of possibly inducing at 39 weeks... since Drew will be pretty much nonexistent starting next month, we were beginning to get worried that if I go into labor during the day, he might not be able to make it since he will be on anesthesia rotation. So the thought on inducing me would be to have a set date and time so that we know Drew can be there and we have a sitter ready to watch Evangeline and Zoey.

The doctor's office was unusually slow, so the ultrasound tech decided to do a free 4d ultrasound for us! It was great to be able to see Tradd move in 4D! I can't wait to meet the little guy! He's a lot more laid back than Evangeline was too. He has definite patterns of movement... normally early in the morning from around 7am-9am... and then a few random times during the day... but he is the most active from about 7pm-midnight. Anyway, Evangeline did surprisingly well at the doctors appointment It was the 1st time she came with me alone... so I was nervous that she would be running all over the place... but she sat in the chair for the most part, read her picture book, and asked a bunch of questions; "Whats that mommy?"Afterward, we went shopping to kill some time, and bought some new nail polish and hair clippies... not for me of course. Evangeline HAS to get her nails painted every weekend... of course the color of choice is... you guessed it... PINK. Shes such a little girl! She loves it when I trim her nails, buff them, and the paint them. SO that's exactly what I did. We hung out with daddy (who is still sick) during lunch time, and when he went back to class, Evangeline and I took a nice long nap from 2:30-5pm.... both of us! I really needed it and I guess she did to... I actually woke up before her which very rarely happens... I LOVE my sleep! Drew came home from class and still looks like poo. I feel bad for the poor guy... he's been sick going on 5 days now and just find the energy to do much of anything. So, me being the nice wife that I am (sometimes-ha) I got up with Evangeline this morning to let him sleep in as long as possible... I hope that helps!

Oh, here is a video of Evangeline a few nights ago at dinner time :) Enjoy!


Jackie said...

How cute! I love that she's still accessorizing with band aids - I'm surprised she hasn't asked for pink ones yet.